Welcome to our blog!

We are three students and a lecturer from Rice University visiting Cántaro Azul in San Cristóbal de Las Casas, in Chiapas, Mexico.  Two of us, Su Chen and Horatia, worked with Cántaro Azul during the 2017 Spring term in three different projects as part of Dr Loyo’s CEVE/GLHT 314 course.  Sophia volunteered to join the trip because of her interest in water and sustainability.  Our projects are different devices and systems to improve water quality in the San Cristóbal area.  We are using this blog to document our work and share our experiences in Chiapas.

A big thank you to Sinéad Keogh and the rest of the Cántaro Azul team for their time, and for receiving us in San Cris.  We also wish to thank the people and institutions that contributed to our trip: NEWT, the Center for Civic Leadership (CCL), the departments of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEVE), Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (CHBE), Harold Fock from Foundation Capital, Edward Robinson, David and Lisa Costello, and Philip and Diana Grossweiler.  Thank you!

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