Two new Rice teams are headed to Chiapas to work with Cántaro this Spring Break.
One team is UV Hermanos, a 5-student team in ENGI 120 in the Fall 2018. ENGI 120 is a first-year engineering design course taught by Drs. Matthew Wettergreen and Deirdre Hunter. The students, Lucas Esnaola, Josh Kearney, Eduardo Landin, Arav Singhal, and Yufei Shan, developed a flow-regulating device for the Mesita Azul, the UV-disinfection device designed and used by Cántaro Azul in Chiapas.
The second team is working on the design of a demonstration wetland to treat greywater on-site and evaluate its feasibility and functionality for Chiapas communities. The members of this team are Morgan Gillis, Aanu Jibodu, Talia Kramer, and Quinn Mathews.
This trip is being led by last year’s Loewenstern fellow, Talia Kramer. Thank you, Talia for all your hard work putting together the trip, and thank you to the Center for Civic Leadership at Rice for supporting the group as part of their GEO Mexico program, and thank you to Cántaro Azul, as always, for being such good hosts and welcoming us in San Cris.
We also wish to thank our sponsors for their generous support:
- George R. Brown School of Engineering
- Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen (OEDK)