Friday was our last day at Cantaro: after a long and productive week, we were finally ready to show off our prototype.
We started off with a little presentation. We explained what our initial goals were –controlling the flow rate, using cheaper and local materials, and implementing the use of filters– presented the scientific concepts behind our solution, and then went into detail about materials’ costs.
Los UV Hermanos after concluding our presentation
We were happy to explain that we had lowered the cost of our prototype by 90%! All without sacrificing flow rate control performance.
To conclude our presentation, we discussed future implementation plans for the prototype, as well as the potential of certain modifications. This discussion continued even after we went outside and performed a demo of the design. We talked about how modifying certain dimensions would affect the flow rate, the potential use of different containers, and how one’s interaction with the Mesita Azul would change as a result of our prototype. Despite our progress, it was evident that more on-site implementation research would have to be performed: our work had opened up a brand new window of opportunity.
A captivated audience looks at our project demo
As we packed up and said goodbye to the people at Cantaro, we had time to reflect on the week that had past. We were all so grateful that Cantaro had allowed us to work with them. The experience of interacting day to day with a client, made the engineering design process feel a whole lot more proactive than it had back at the OEDK. Having to work around real-world constraints, forced us to be more critical and analytical than we had been before. Finally, seeing the motivation that drove the people at Cantaro, getting to see the consequences of one’s work, and experiencing the positive and collaborative work culture was extremely inspirational. On our way back to the hostel, our excitement for the future of the Mesita Azul was tainted by the undeniable fact that our time at Cantaro’s office was over.
A final team picture
Yeah…we cute…
Nevertheless, we tried and make the most of this bittersweet evening by having the people at Cantaro join us for lunch. The sound of music and the taste of pake-tazo snacks took us into the night and onto another day…