Looking back at the amazing week, there is so much to be grateful for.
With regards to the engineering work, we enjoyed the mentorship of Dr. Loyo and Cantaro Employees (Specifically Simon, Pablo, Hector and Armando) to produce both a detailed report on a wetland design in El Encuentro and a highly developed flow control prototype.
We explored the fruit market and snacked on some juice and Pozol. Along with food related excursions, we were also able to explore the beautiful nature that Chiapas is known for by taking a beautiful hike at Moxviquil and exploring the orchid garden.
But, most importantly, we made friends! The warm people at Cantaro made our visit incredibly familial, and they made it hard to say goodbye after what felt like the shortest week. The openness and knowledge of the Cantaro employees along with the inquisitive and enthusiastic Rice undergrads made for a great collaboration on both sides. Both teams felt that we had gained a vast amount of practical engineering knowledge in just a short time while the Cantaro employees were able to escape from the hustle and bustle of an NGO for a little bit to see their organization through the lens of an outsider.
Since the inception of the Cantaro/Rice partnership a few years ago, these trips have been refined and improved to make for unforgettable trips for both sides. Although I am graduating, I cannot wait to see where this collaboration will go through the help of Dr. Loyo, Cantaro, and future undergraduates with a passion to improve public health and learn about different cultures.
It is never easy to say goodbye, so instead of thinking about the end, I will reflect on the wonderful opportunity that we experienced in Chiapas this Spring Break.